My Story

For two decades I was a ghostwriter for two different national magazines, helping business owners and others relate dramatic conversion stories and highlights of their Christian walk. Some wanted to primarily describe an incredible event that took place 15 to 20 years earlier. That left me wondering whether God had done anything in their lives lately.

After a long time, I found myself in the same boat. Now, deciding to follow Christ was a life-changing experience. It transformed me from a hard-drinking, self-centered, live-for-the-weekend type of guy to someone who looks to the Lord for guidance and strength to deal with life’s challenges. But like I used to ask, you may wonder: “What is God doing in your life today?”

For one, bringing us through the past several years of the pandemic and all its uncertainties. Plus the normal fluctuations of freelancing. During 2023, I had promised work never show up and two steady accounts vanish. The roller coaster continued in 2024, with writing and editing under constant threat from Artificial Intelligence. In the summer, a week after a Zoom call to launch a major developmental editing project, the author decided he was too busy and had to put his book on hold for six months. Yet in October a publisher I hadn’t worked with for five years asked if they could pass along my contact information to an author who wanted me to edit her book.

That’s why “faith” is more than a cliché. To me, it is the lifeline that has brought us through adversity and tragedy. My wife and I have endured setbacks like the death of both sets of parents, struggles with life-threatening diseases, and the death of our second-oldest daughter in 2005. In November of 2017, an accidental fall at home required six weeks of concussion therapy. In recent years back problems have made chiropractic visits a regular routine. Late in 2024, I needed a cortisone shot to relieve pain in my right knee.

Despite all this, we know the joy of a restored family, a marriage that in 2025 will mark 46 years, and the solutions that God brings into seemingly impossible dilemmas. We trust in Him to provide for our needs and lead us. I am still excited about what God has done in my life. At an age when many are looking to retire (or already have), I look forward to crafting more stories about the Lord’s work in this world.