Pastor Made Huge Impact

Pastor Made Huge Impact

 “And He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away. And He who sits on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’” (Revelation 21:4-5, NASB 1995). That was part of the opening Scripture in the bulletin at the recent funeral service for our pastor from 1987-93. We hadn’t been in his church for 31 years, but the reason we left was a move to another state.

When we returned to the area, we didn’t go back to our former church because we wanted to worship with our youngest daughter and her husband, who went elsewhere.

Still, we stayed in touch with “Bub” (as everyone knew him) and his wife. We occasionally encountered one of their children at the doctor’s office or a school function.

What a remarkable funeral it was, going on for two-plus hours. Everyone wanted to stay to worship God and recall the man who had touched their lives in profound ways.

Profound Testimony

The man who preached his funeral was a younger pastor Bub had mentored; he noted in his message that he didn’t need to preach a sermon because Bub’s life had already done that.

What struck me most about the occasion was how many people asked for an usher to bring the microphone so they could talk about how the pastor had affected their life.

There were people whom he had baptized, as well as some of their children and grandchildren. Couples he had married.

One woman now in her adult years recalled attending Vacation Bible School at the church at the age of seven and Bub leading her in a prayer of conversion.

When I got the mic, I commented on how I felt the best ministry was not huge stadium crusades or mass baptisms. Instead, it’s the one-on-one encounters where a pastor offers scriptural insights, biblical wisdom, or helps a person make a difficult decision.

Personal Word

That’s what Bub did for me. It happened several months after the October 1987 stock market crash. While that is a mere blip of history for many, for me it was a very personal event.

Within two months of “Black Monday,” about 90% of my public relations business had vanished. Companies crashed that owed me all kinds of money: $800, $1,200, or more.

The one that felt like a gut punch was when the treasurer of a company that owed me $4,900 said, “I have to level with you. There’s no money left.”

As I watched bills pile up and wondered how I would survive, fear was an ever-present companion. A part-time ghostwriting gig for a Christian magazine was my only ongoing income. It wasn’t much.

Pastor Made Huge Impact blog post by Ken Walker Writer. Pictured: Seeds floating away into the wind.In the midst of this crescendo of bad news, Bub showed up at my office one afternoon. He told me he had been praying for me and the Lord led him to Psalm 56:1-4.

The key in that passage is the latter part of verse 4: “In God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid. What can mere man do to me?”

After sharing that passage, Bub encouraged me that God knew my predicament and would provide for me. Truer words were never spoken.

Now, it wasn’t a walk in the park. It took six more years before I saw a breakthrough. But I see that word of encouragement as a key turning point in my career.

Bub, thanks. I can’t wait to see you again in heaven.