Tag: fulltime writer

Life in the Spirit

By Ken Walker – A grandson who works at Amazon is my resident tech expert. When I wanted to download Skype three years ago so I could interview several people overseas, I called him to help me with the task. When I experienced problems following a recent upgrade to Windows 7 after Microsoft stopped supporting…
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The 90-Minute Cure

By Ken Walker – At my doctor’s recommendation, after my first two heart stents nine years ago, I started getting a flu shot every autumn. That typically helps me make it through the winter flu season unscathed. However, since then I twice survived the worst of the cold weather, only to come down with some…
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Attacking the Obesity Crisis

By Ken Walker – While it isn’t likely to attract national media attention, the Try This Conference at West Virginia Wesleyan College June 6-7 is a remarkable story of the grassroots awakening of healthy lifestyles in the state. One of the most tangible signs is the conference selling out in advance. The 350 attendees already…
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The Miracle of Divine Inspiration

By Ken Walker – Only those who have juggled multiple writing and editing projects on deadline can appreciate the kick in the gut I felt recently when an editor kicked back a devotional I had written. He said it didn’t quite fit theme and he wanted a new version. At the time, I was behind…
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Not Ready to Quit

By Ken Walker – In an online world filled with countless ways of marketing one’s services and establishing an identity as an expert, one piece of advice that routinely appears is to never list your age. Consultants say you will quickly be pigeonholed and shunted aside for younger, “hipper” people who are more attuned to…
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A Most Joyous Place

By Ken Walker – I mentioned in my last blog that Huntington, West Virginia had recently regained the ignominious honor of reclaiming the #1 spot as America’s fattest city. This came on the heels of another insult. Namely, the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index ranking our city the lowest in the nation. Unfortunately, this morphed into the…
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Obesity: A Step Back is No Big Deal

By Ken Walker- May brings more good news to the city that entered the national spotlight four years ago through Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution. Indeed, there are so many encouraging developments that Huntington, West Virginia serves as a model for communities everywhere hoping to attack obesity problems. As I write this, the Wild Ramp is…
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Behind the Scenes Story of Noah

By Ken Walker- Now that worldwide box office receipts for the movie, Noah, have surpassed its $125 million production costs, much of the tempest it stirred in Hollywood and online has subsided. I may be a bit late in offering my comments, but am glad I waited for my initial reaction to subside. The day…
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The Problem of Anger

Recently I edited a blog for LifeWay Christian Resources’ president, Thom Rainer, for ChurchCentral.com. It addressed the need for leaders to apologize. It included mention of an encounter Rainer had once with a young man who wanted to know more about faith. Mentioning he reviewed a lot of interactions among Christians online, he asked Rainer,…
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How God Raised up Bishop T.D. Jakes

In my last blog about taking cheer in the wave of biblically-oriented movies, I briefly mentioned the Apr. 16 release of Heaven is for Real. Not only did I enjoy the book on which it is based, I look forward to seeing the film because of a personally-relevant angle behind it—the participation of Bishop T.D.…
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