Tag: fulltime writer

The Good News From Hollywood

The movie Noah opens tomorrow (Mar. 28) and if the box office comes anywhere close to the heat it has already generated, the film has an excellent shot at hitting #1 in this weekend’s box office receipts. It has been attacked by evangelist Ray Comfort. Yet, it has also been endorsed by filmmaker and media…
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The Quiet Road to Success

When I interviewed Steve Willis nearly four years ago for a story about the filming of the final episode of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, I had no idea the assignment would lead to a book. Until Steve later reminded me of it, I had forgotten an off-handed remark I made that day. After appearing on…
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Good News in Food Fight

By Ken Walker- Victory in the war on obesity will never be won via titanic, headline-grabbing battles, but through quiet, grassroots initiatives that slowly turn the tide. With Huntington at the center of this skirmish—which Steve Willis and I chronicled in Winning the Food Fight— I find it encouraging to see increasing indications of progress.…
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Looking For God at Work

Second of two parts By Ken Walker- I wrote previously about the dramatic way Henry Blackaby’s Experiencing God study touched my life. Recently I gained an appreciation for how the cornerstone of his approach has penetrated others’ consciousness. Blackaby’s teaching emphasizes seeing where God is at work and then joining Him. If people in an…
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The Joy of Experiencing God

First of two parts By Ken Walker- Nearly 20 years have passed since my wife and I completed our original study of the Experiencing God workbook. But Henry Blackaby’s seminal title made the kind of impression that I remember as if it took place last week. Aside from selling more than two million copies and…
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Gratitude for Life

By Ken Walker- Although I have written more than 3,500 articles for various publications and web sites over the past 25-plus years, I rarely am the subject of a story. And since I did the interview during a hectic book editing deadline, I had almost forgotten that the latest issue of Energy Times was carrying…
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The Principle of Bible Reading

By Ken Walker- In the latest issue of Christianity Today, I compiled responses for an ongoing column titled, “Under Discussion.” The question: Should Christians read through the Bible in one year? It’s one of those questions that, though likely to prompt plenty of discussion—even heated debate—I regret not having more space to explore. Even though…
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The Fight for Better Health

By Ken Walker- I recently commented on an apology by Thom Rainer for old material produced by LifeWay Christian Resources that had offended the Asian-American community. However, another of his recent posts caught my attention for a different reason. I could have written “Confessions of an Obese Christian” for many years, all the while feeling…
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Healthy Kitchens Make Healthy Cities

By Ken Walker- Recently I attended a free seminar on men’s health and nutrition at Huntington’s Kitchen. The life of this sparkling facility originated as the cooking studio during filming of the ABC Network’s Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution. While this was only the latest of several visits to this downtown storefront space, this trip gave…
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Super Size Me In Reverse

By Ken Walker- It’s been almost a decade since Morgan Spurlock released his award-winning Super Size Me, which reviewed all the problems his experimental “Mickey D’s” 30-day diet caused. (You can watch a copy online here.) I remember when news of the documentary surfaced, I scoffed, “That’s ridiculous. Nobody would eat solely fast food all…
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