Tag: writer

The Fight for Better Health

By Ken Walker- I recently commented on an apology by Thom Rainer for old material produced by LifeWay Christian Resources that had offended the Asian-American community. However, another of his recent posts caught my attention for a different reason. I could have written “Confessions of an Obese Christian” for many years, all the while feeling…
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Healthy Kitchens Make Healthy Cities

By Ken Walker- Recently I attended a free seminar on men’s health and nutrition at Huntington’s Kitchen. The life of this sparkling facility originated as the cooking studio during filming of the ABC Network’s Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution. While this was only the latest of several visits to this downtown storefront space, this trip gave…
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Super Size Me In Reverse

By Ken Walker- It’s been almost a decade since Morgan Spurlock released his award-winning Super Size Me, which reviewed all the problems his experimental “Mickey D’s” 30-day diet caused. (You can watch a copy online here.) I remember when news of the documentary surfaced, I scoffed, “That’s ridiculous. Nobody would eat solely fast food all…
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Water: The Liquid Path to Health

By Ken Walker- I have co-authored or edited six health-oriented books the past three years, including Jumpstart!, which Siloam Press released this week. This process has proved quite educational. Still, it took a good part of those three years before a message emphasized by most of the authors I have worked with sank in: Drink…
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The Failure of Resolutions

First of two parts By Ken Walker- With many loosening their belts or other clothing after Christmas dinner, it is likely they will turn their attentions to a New Year’s resolution to “lose weight.” However, such vows have a high failure rate. In working on a story for the January issue of Mature Living I…
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A Wise Christmas Perspective

By Ken Walker- Andy Stanley, whose very name almost guarantees a bestseller, is releasing his newest book Dec. 31. How to Be Rich is subtitled, “It’s Not What You Have, It’s What You Do With What You Have.” The book is based on sermons that emphasized cultivating a life of generosity as the secret to…
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The Materialistic Christmas

By Ken Walker- I heard a story recently about a mother who was distraught over her inability to spend close to a thousand dollars on Christmas presents for her children. No matter where you live in America, you are likely to have heard some variation of such a tale. At the same time, this mother…
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Christmas: A Time for Change

By Ken Walker- Five years have passed since the death of Jdimytai Damour, but Black Friday continues to include reports of violent behavior across the nation. For those who don’t recognize the name, Damour was the 6-foot-5, 270-pound private security guard who was trampled to death by a frenzied mob of shoppers at a Long…
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Mea Culpa: The Way to “Man Up”

Second of two parts By Ken Walker- When President Obama offered his “mea culpa” for people losing insurance coverage amid health care reform, it didn’t necessarily make the situation any better. Indeed, as I predicted, his comments were immediately interpreted, parsed, and picked apart for their supposed insincerity. Still, none of this changes the fact…
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Mea Culpa: Admitting Error Is Good

First of two parts By Ken Walker- I saw President Obama’s apology about Americans losing health insurance on the NBC Evening News before reading about it. Immediately, I envisioned a cacophony of criticism in coming days and weeks. Granted, a litany of problems that have greeted the federal government’s dysfunctional healthcare.gov web site. Even if…
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