Tag: writer

How Underdogs Awakened Faith

By Ken Walker- Malcolm Gladwell’s newest book, David and Goliath, is out. While it may take me awhile to find the time to read it, I am looking forward to the experience. Gladwell writes the kind of material that stuck with me long after I read three of his previous books, starting with Blink. In…
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Reading Behind the Headlines

By Ken Walker- I recently interviewed a University of Illinois law professor about her study of Chapter 11 bankruptcy filings by churches in recent years, a story that will appear online soon at Christianity Today. The morning we talked, she was preparing to do a guest lecture at the University of Minnesota. Discussing the proclivities…
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The Real Mainstream Audience

By Ken Walker- Last May I wrote about the burgeoning production of biblically-themed movies and television shows that were springing up in Hollywood after the success of the History Channel’s The Bible mini-series. As if to demonstrate the validity of this trend, I recently saw a story about producers Roma Downey and Mark Burnett signing…
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The Reality of the Spirit World

By Ken Walker- To say that Heaven is for Real is a bestseller is like saying Duck Dynasty is a popular TV show. The book (and cable TV’s biggest hit) moved way beyond that long ago. One reason I admired Todd Burpo’s book is the skillful hand of co-author Lynn Vincent. When a book sells…
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Adjusting to Economic Calamity

By Ken Walker- The economic downturn has had a serious impact on my writing, which is largely related to the Christian world. So, I’m not immune to the financial pressures that have affected churches, ministries and religious publications the past five years. Still, until working recently on an assignment for an upcoming issue of Christianity…
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Taking E-Readers to the Next Level

By Ken Walker- Electronic devices are such a fact of life in America that e-book sales appear poised to consign hard covers to the dustbin of history, even if the transformation takes another decade or two. Indeed, I know writers who have already scrapped their traditional libraries. That is understandable, given the stacks of “stuff”…
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Silver Lining Behind Obesity Clouds

By Ken Walker- Obesity remains a problem in West Virginia and a dozen other states, according to a story on the most recent annual study by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Five years ago, a CDC report on the Huntington area’s nation-leading problems with obesity and its related diseases prompted grassroots action, as well…
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The Attacks on Egyptian Churches

By Ken Walker- When I quoted a Christian leader as saying that President Mohammed Morsi had placed Egypt on the edge of a volcano that could erupt at any moment, I had no idea how prophetic those words would be. “The rapid developments taking place in Egypt nowadays bring an image to mind—a man standing…
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The Growing Influence of Healthy Markets

By Ken Walker- In my last blog I wrote about Cabell Huntington Hospital taking over the operation of Huntington’s Kitchen, the healthy-cooking-classes initiative that sprang up after Jamie Oliver filmed his ABC mini-series here. Equally exciting when it comes to such grassroots-driven activity is the Wild Ramp.  The healthy foods market opened in downtown Huntington…
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Cutting Soda Size Makes Sense

By Ken Walker- While Mayor Michael Bloomberg has (at least temporarily) lost his bid to crack down on the serving of supersize drinks in New York, the battle over America’s sugar-laden foods will rage on. Given the limited nature of public discussion in today’s information-overloaded society, those opposed to Bloomberg’s attempt to limit restaurants and…
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