Category: General

Good Health Starts in the Kitchen

By Ken Walker- After the national spotlight fell on Huntington in 2006 thanks to the popular We Are Marshall movie, it returned a few years later when Jamie Oliver’s production crew came to town to film his award-winning mini-series for ABC. Yet more proof of the long-term impact of Oliver’s visit surfaced recently with the…
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Cutting Soda Size Makes Sense

By Ken Walker- While Mayor Michael Bloomberg has (at least temporarily) lost his bid to crack down on the serving of supersize drinks in New York, the battle over America’s sugar-laden foods will rage on. Given the limited nature of public discussion in today’s information-overloaded society, those opposed to Bloomberg’s attempt to limit restaurants and…
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Brother, Can You Lend a Hand?

By Ken Walker- When tornadoes touched down just south of Oklahoma City in May, the federal disaster agency often known by its acronym (FEMA) responded, along with state officials, Red Cross and others. While no one discounts the vital nature of such assistance, equally—perhaps even more—impressive are the countless numbers of volunteers who responded. Without…
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The Quest for Empathy

By Ken Walker- While more than 20 years have passed, I still vividly remember the message that touched me deeply at the spiritual retreat that focused my attention on the importance of servanthood. Naturally, while I can’t quote it verbatim, its essence was: In the long run, the cumulative effect of thousands of small decisions…
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Curbing Childhood Obesity

By Ken Walker – The year before Jamie Oliver came to Huntington, West Virginia to film his award-winning ABC mini-series, the area’s obesity epidemic cast a bleak shadow over the state. How bleak? In our book, Winning the Food Fight, Steve Willis wrote about a report issued by the Centers for Disease Control that reviewed…
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Lessons Behind Faith & Film

By Ken Walker- Several weeks ago I blogged about the reaction of several Hollywood insiders to the popularity of The Bible. Turns out they were right: this mini-series casts a long shadow. That became evident in early July when NBC announced that it will air a sequel at a future date. With several observers telling…
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Stop Subsidizing Soda Purchases

By Ken Walker- Everyone who appreciates crucial timing likely did a double take last week when two significant events occurred on the same day. First, the American Medical Association called for obesity to be treated as a disease. In addition, 18 big-city mayors called for a ban in food-stamp recipients being allowed to use those…
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Egyptian Christians’ Excitement

By Ken Walker- Without a doubt, one of the most fascinating features I have ever worked on is the cover story I wrote for the June issue of Charisma, titled “Out of Egypt.” In it, I detail the amazing moves God is making in that troubled land despite the persecution and oppression of Christians there…
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Sponsorship Comes Full Circle

By Ken Walker- Second of two parts In my last blog I wrote about the cover story in the June issue of Christianity Today and economist Bruce Wydick’s research that validated the effectiveness of child sponsorship. No sooner had I wrapped up my research and writing on its historical aspects for a related feature than…
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Proof of Child Sponsorship’s Value

By Ken Walker- First of two parts There are tons of heartwarming stories about children from impoverished countries who benefit through sponsorship from a benefactor partnering with World Vision, Compassion International or other organizations using this model. However, the cover story of the June issue of Christianity Today verifies that such stories are more than…
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