Professional Services

Memoir Compilation/Editing:

Memoir writing utilizes the skills Ken has developed in his career: interviewing, writing, and editing. He has helped several retirees compile reflections of their lives. They include a soon-to-be-released memoir of a Vietnam War-era veteran and the memoir of a woman who fought a major battle with state agents who wanted to grab land for a recreational development. In recent years, Ken helped two retired businessmen with their memoirs. One involved a startling vision of heaven; the other included accounts of smuggling Bibles into Russia and China at the height of the Cold War. Ken hopes to help others preserve precious life memories before it is too late to pass on their legacy to future generations.


If you are too busy to do the writing or need help crafting your story, teaching, or personal experience, Ken can transform your insights into a clearly-written message. The secret of ghostwriting is the ability to focus on another person’s background, experiences, and intentions without the writer injecting personal views into the material. After writing and editing dozens of books, Ken has the experience needed to take your material from concept to reality.


Traditionally, ghostwriting has meant the writer’s name didn’t appear on the cover while a coauthor receives more recognition. However, a coauthor often takes a more active role, including interviewing, researching, and writing. As with a ghostwriter, a coauthor can do all the writing or part of it, with the work carrying the voice of the lead author. Ken has handled such tasks in a variety of formats. Some have involved interviews with the author to write the book; with others, he has revised and refined their rough drafts.

Book Editing:

Although editing is part of every writer’s job, editing a book is a special skill that requires clear thinking, research, and the stamina to turn around a project on a relatively tight production schedule. Ken has edited numerous books for major publishers and various self-published authors, with several to be released during the coming year. While a different discipline than writing, this allows him to lend his talents to the creative process.


Not every book author needs a substantive edit of their material as much as an evaluation and tips for improvement. Ken has coached bloggers for a leadership resources website and edited work for self-published authors. This kind of assistance is invaluable in today’s changing market. Too many authors release self-published material without a professional editor to evaluate the clarity of their message, double-check grammar and spelling, and refine chapter structure. Such shortcomings can prove fatal to a book in a market that is highly competitive in an era of electronic and alternative forms of publishing.


Through a network of professional freelance editors and proofreaders, Ken is able to provide an additional review of manuscripts. This is useful whether he is writing a book or editing it, since a properly-produced project takes several sets of eyes to complete a comprehensive review.